My THM Journey

I don’t know about you, but I’ve owned a whole library of diet books. From Suzanne Somers’ “Eat Great and Lose Weight” and Dr. Michael R. Eades and Dr. Mary Dan Eades’ “Protein Power” to Jon Gabriel’s “The Gabriel Method” and Dr. Arthur Agatston’s “The South Beach Diet,” I’ve read them all. I meticulously studied each one, tried their tips and tricks, but none of them worked for me. It was heartbreaking.

After many failures, I felt helpless and hopeless. My weight peaked after fracturing my ankle in February 2013, which put me in the morbidly obese category. I was stuck at home, healing, and consuming comfort foods provided by kind friends and family. Though grateful, I quickly gained 30 pounds, feeling trapped and unattractive. Despite my husband’s unwavering love and support, I was deeply unhappy with myself.

In my desperation, I considered surgical options for weight loss, but they scared me. I decided to give those diet books another shot, determined to make them work even if it meant starving myself. But again, nothing worked, leaving me in despair.

Then, one day, I saw a friend’s social media post about her weight loss journey. She shared a picture of a delicious-looking dessert, claiming she was eating such treats and still losing weight! Intrigued, I watched her posts, hoping she would reveal her secret. Eventually, I swallowed my pride and asked her directly. She introduced me to Trim Healthy Mama. Thank you, Natasha!

I initially bought the e-book version to save money, wary that it might join my collection of failed attempts. However, as I read, I was thrilled to find that the authors were Christian women who had navigated the same diet struggles. They were inspired by their faith to find a sustainable, God-glorifying way to manage their weight. By the time I was halfway through the book, I knew this plan was different. I felt a newfound hope that I could be healthier with Trim Healthy Mama.

This way of eating completely changed my relationship with food. I realized my past mistakes and felt confident this time would be different. Pearl and Serene, the authors and sisters, provide well-researched, solid information that helps you lose weight by separating fats and carbs—a genius and inspired method!

They emphasize that this isn’t a sprint but a marathon. Some people lose weight quickly, while others take longer to heal their bodies from years of unhealthy eating. These individuals may not see immediate weight loss but experience other benefits like better sleep, reduced joint pain, clearer skin, regular cycles, and lower blood pressure. Eventually, their bodies begin to shed the weight.

So, don’t expect to drop a massive amount of weight in three months. This is a lifelong, sustainable way of eating that promotes overall health. You will see progress, even if it’s not always on the scale, and that will keep you motivated. After a year and a half, I’ve lost 67 pounds without consistent exercise. I still have more to lose, but I know I’m on this plan for life. It’s easy, delicious, and feels like I’m indulging every day with wholesome foods like butter, cream, bacon, steak, veggies, and grains. It’s truly life-changing.

Be encouraged—you can do this! If you’re interested in this book and way of eating, join the many Facebook groups available. You can also order the book from various online retailers and local bookstores. Here’s a link to their website to order directly from them. This will change your life as it has mine.

With love, <3
Chrissy Benoit