Cottage Kiwi Whip (THM FP)

 Did you hear?  We are able to have 1 kiwifruit in an S or FP setting on the Trim Healthy Mama plan YAY!!!!  (learn more about my THM journey here)


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From my heart to your home ❤

I love kiwi, and I have just fallen in love with these new SunGold kiwifruit that I’ve been asked to have some fun creating a recipe with.  However, for this recipe you can use any regular kiwifruit and still get a great result.   I’ve just been loving these little guys….they have a very mild flavor that’s sweet and light…..and I can almost taste the slightest hint of lemon in there.  They’re so fresh and lovely, they’re a winner in my book for sure!

I kid you not, I love kiwi, so I was over the moon elated to learn that we are able to eat 1 kiwi in an S (Satisfying = high fat & low carb) or FP (Fuel Pull = low-fat & low carb), and 2-3 kiwi are allowed in an E setting (Energizing = low-fat & higher carb)….WHAT?! You mean I can eat kiwi in an S or FP setting???? Okay! I will indeed!!!! 😀


Just last night I had peeled (well really scooped out) 1 kiwifruit and cut it up to freeze (in a baggie) as I wanted to try this idea to make a Cottage Berry Whip (found in the THM Cookbook), but instead of berries I would use kiwi.  I was planning it to be a part of my E brekkie, as I thought at the time it was only an E setting fruit, however learning the new official info that kiwi are in fact permitted in an S & FP setting makes my Cottage Kiwi Whip an FP.   YAY!!  Happy Dance!!!

This recipe is very similar to the Cottage Berry Whip recipe you can find in the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook (buy here) or visit the THM website to view their recipe here  or you can watch Serene and Pearl make it here.

This recipe can’t be any easier.  3 ingredients makes this a cinch to throw together.  It’s fresh and light, and is a lovely dessert, or snack in any fuel setting.


I made a single serve recipe and found my blender too large for this so I switched it over to my KitchenAid Immersion Blender


I easily whipped this up in my KitchenAid chopper attachment to the Immersion Blender (see here).  Makes all whip recipes a total cinch. ♥


Look how creamy and light this recipe comes out!  No cottage cheese chunks here! 🙂


A few of THM Blogging Buddies have done some super yummy adaptations of the Cottage Berry Whip  recipe as well.  Find those here:

A Home With Purpose: Cottage Banana Whip

Counting All Joy: Ricotta Berry Swirl

Wonderfully Made And Dearly Loved:  Peach Berry Whip

The original from Trim Healthy Mama:  Cottage Berry Whip


With Love,




8 thoughts on “Cottage Kiwi Whip (THM FP)

  1. Looks delish! I love kiwi and I love them even more now that 1 is considered FP! 😀

    Cottage Whip is one of my favorites, so I definitely want to give this a try.

  2. I have grown up eating the skin on the Kiwi Fruit. Would leaving the skin on for this recipe make any difference to whether it is an FP, S or E then?

    1. You Go for it!!! You triple the fiber content you’re getting when you eat the skin. So you’re doing wonders for your body!!!

      1. Thanks for your reply, Chrissy 😀 Yes they certainly are good fibre sources lol

  3. I only have a vitamix blender. It did not work, I added just a bit of almond milk to help it start blending, still chunky.
    How do u get it whipped without adding liquid?

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