Mushroom Garlic Breakfast Scramble (THM S)

My mornings can start early some days and not always on purpose.  I will wake up when my husband leaves for work at 4:00am some mornings and not be able to get back to sleep.  I’m not super excited about the hours of sleep I missed, but I can usually get a whole bunch done around the house while it’s quiet and no one else is awake yet.

So today I decided to make the most of my early morning and start it off with a nice quiet devotional time with the Lord – here’s what I read today from John Piper’s Desiring God website (one of my faves), I wanted to have a wonderful breakfast, as one of the reasons I couldn’t fall back to sleep was my grumbling tummy.(Feed me Seymour!!)

I was able to get some laundry started early.  And finally I really wanted to work on my THM Challenge Facebook Group as I have a new challenge starting today! (YAY! learn about the THM challenge group here) Oh and don’t forget a quick drive to my favorite coffee stop in town to take advantage of their free coffee days!  AHHHhhhhh sublime! 🙂

So all in all it’s been a great day so far.  It’s still only 8:48am and I’m feeling like I’ve accomplished a whole lot….not to mention the blog post currently in the works…lol

Wow just call me super woman, but just hold on a sec while I nap later.   Luckily today if Friday, and Friday at the Benoit house is GAME DAY!!!!  My kids (13 & 11 yrs)  work all week to earn (through diligent school work, and good behavior) a day of playing whatever electronic device they so choose.  Which in our house is a mix of XBox 1 and or a game on a laptop.

It’s my homeschool day off, well almost, we still do cursive, math, typing(keyboarding for all you youngins) and language studies (French & Spanish), but it literally only takes the kids an hour tops to hammer all that out!!! They are machines….just one of the many perks of homeschooling, when your kids learn the value of a diligent, maximum effort, work ethic!

So what fueled our morning then? Well let’s get to that…… I threw together this super yummy Mushroom Garlic Breakfast Scramble, baked some bacon (I only ever make bacon in my oven now, frying is way to messy and too much work for this busy Mama!) and enjoyed a nice hot FREE cuppa Joe!  SET, MATCH, WIN!




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